jim christ


curving parallel pearls

two strands
adorn her
arc down

bridge bare shoulders
orbs of gleam
globes in iridess

a string
sand smoothed silk
spheres joined

strung grains of circumstance
pale below grin and
deep cafe' eyes


farout films

in the seventies,
somewhere in there
amidst a blur that'd
an occasional clear cut lucidity shining;
there were some moments to share here.

after collecting 8mm and 16mm films
of all kinds and atrocities
as well as a few that were
strange and beautiful
the time came to help them transcend (and self as well).

parties led in and out of blurs
and collages of eyes, laughter and tears
as my marriage died like an anchor
chained to my neck and tossed overboard
dragging me to dark bottom.

I lashed out with waste and destruction of flickering toys.
the cans came out and films were draped and knotted.
celluloid togas and gowns we wore while
sharing pleasure in silly existential whims.
the sound of film thrashed through during sex still echoes.

panting and the swish of film
were farout white noise.


downhill slopes of 2012

mayans glimpsed a roll of rocky places
as gravity fell with added weight
and stone spun on

they'd bits of help from far-off friends
who'd brought stars and story
days of future horror on the way

strangers stepped from chariots of light
their visit lasted moons
left civilization scattered in readiness

tales of harvest to come where crop was richest
times when immense chariots would blot sky
cities empty into loading ramps on cattle planet earth

only ones too far
from teeming harvest points
would be left in mayan 2012

the meek and remote
would inherit it finally
like some other scripture said as well



jim christ
     author is currently a technical illustrator/graphic artist of northern california. he was born in New York and moved to Los Angeles in the mid 60's. After adolescence in LA and a tour in the Air Force, max relocated to San Francisco and then Sonoma County where he started a serigraphy studio and service as well as jobbing at everything from construction to truck-driving. As founder and manager of Wild Boar Productions, Jim promoted and produced Truck Competitions and Shows as well as musical events in small and large venues in the wine country of northern California as well as contributing studio work and graphix. Has been described as an ocean that's only six inches deep.

     At this time is assembling a body of work in linocut and woodcut in preparation for a show at the California Museum of Fine Art in Santa Rosa (this is going very slowly).

     When Jim isn't working, he's usually scribbling down these little groups of symbols that somehow paint the edges of this thing called life.

climbmax aka jim christ

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