issue 61 cover courtesy filipski
cover courtesy filipski
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> issue 61 > november 2002
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an issue you can actually
coming Jan 1st, 2003
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art eXpo

by bill beaver
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basinski reviews
the hold - inPRINT
books/chaps/small press
• columists/rants

> asinine press
   philipe nico
> Biggun hates YOU!
   sara T punk
> dickens' journal
   from in the can
> Dolomite's rant
> From the Orifice of
   the Playpen
   Linda/Paul Hurwood
> smell ME
   cait collins

     in the playpen
     in the playpen
       rated (se)X
    check out bum fights

• memoirs

> the hold - issue #1
> hold archives
   -w/ hold contribs.
> mcn - issue#35
> 9*11*01 usflag

• poetry readings

> KENT/1999
> KENT/2000
> KENT/2001

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   cafepress sends deepest condolences to Carter Monroe and family on the passing of his father. Carter is a regular contributor to the hold - may memories of your father comfort you and yours Carter.

now. some of the links from the side are at the top some of the links from the top are at the bottom too some of the links from the bottom are at the top bottom side and sammiched and maybe mightbe on other pages .all. this at no additional charge / change. .. .hellO. ...well it might be plain but it's my first swf thing.that thing up there and if you can't see it well believe me, yer better off...stick yer dick out - i have a tongue-just like weeee don't miss what's goin' down! check out the all new in PRINT!
penissong / go you know let's get it on....night xo cait

t h e h o l d  t h e h o l d  t h e h o l d  t h e h o l d

Didi Menendez
...not only will you enjoy DiDi's poetry, MiPo and WomenBeat zines, but take a peek at her poo poo video too! woo woo welcome to DiDi!

charlie nast
...published in the mainstream publications! you go nastman! READ ALL ABOUT IT!...or about "The East Bay Dandy" at the heraldonline!

Joe Lisowski fans
...check out joe's top newest chapbook: Stashu Kapinski Strikes Out and also available Near the Narcotic Sea... get em NOW! right here in the books section of! good stuff good stuff!
tyler evans
...congrats on your newest chapbook!:...yes! tyler also has a brand new chapbook hot off the press: "keep it off"...GO and get it NOW! you won't be disappointed!

it's not a small world afterall least not for from Sweden via postal mail, henry denander conveys his regards through his ace art! maybe we'll see more of this...
go looksee what i mean!

buy a bookbOOKS bOOKS bOOKS
...books • chapbooks • small press print • audio readings -this section of the hold now UPdated for your convenience...remember xxxmas is closer than a sn0ball t o s s... GO

• basinski's book reviews •
november 2002

bulletarrow.gif - 67 Bytes The Pond at Cape May Point -Burt Kimmelman
    with painting by Fred Caruso...
    Marsh Hawk Press

bulletarrow.gif - 67 Bytes Mental Ground -Esther Tellerman
    translated from the French by Keith Waldrop...
    Burning Deck

bulletarrow.gif - 67 Bytes Essays -Luc Fierens
    with introduction by Tom Hibbard.
    Structum Press

bulletarrow.gif - 67 Bytes Small World -Jonathan L. Ross
    Ibbetson Street Press

bulletarrow.gif - 67 Bytes Downwind From the Fires of Nothingness-
    Tom Kryss...Kirpin Press
bulletarrow.gif - 67 Bytes Window: 9/11- Eve Packer + Noah Howard. CD.
    Altsax Records

looking for a book previously
reviewed at
find them here:

basinski's book review library archives
• bukstuff@the-hold •

...this month buk reads
"No Lady Godiva" ---


also visit bukstuff - updated every month with - bukpoems - audio archive - this month's short story:
    ...The Gut Wringing Machine...
plus, bukpix bukart lifted from across the internet...
check it out

• all content of copyright of the respective authors •
unauthorized use is prohibited.

Creative Writing Poetry Submissions...hosts Maura Gage | Michael Basinski
...and Paper Proposals on Popular Culture Poetry/ Poets for the 2003 Popular Culture Association Conference
to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana...GO

t h e h o l d  t h e h o l d  t h e h o l d

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thunder sandwichimpetus magazinecats bookswarm arts

Chiron Review | Erosha | Faux Press | IDIOLECT |  LA-REVIEW
Logic Alley | MiPo | Slipstream  | The Whirligig | Unlikely Stories | WomenBeat

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bottoms UP  |  cover  |  2002 INDEX
the hold - inPRINT

Dave Dembinski-founder (july 1998) • cait collins-editor/publisher/webdesign/maintenance • Jay Miner-co-editor
• graphic design/covers - Jeff Filipski | Michael Basinski | Haze Mc Elhenny • directors in the playpen - Linda/Paul Hurwood •
©1998/2002 • all rights reserved • revised: 11.01.02