charlie nast


I am a Champion

I would so much rather just listen right now.
I cannot tell you any more.
Lost in my room. Again. Warm.
You speak like you know something.

That is one of your talents.
The lead on thing. I’m such a dupe that I let you
sucker me in all the time.
The feint. The duck. Dive.
A verbal Rope-a-Dope if you will.

You think I’m a sucker.

In slow motion I can see the words coming at me.
Un-smiley faces on them all.
Floating my way.
Funny thing is I can jump away at any time.
I’m fast like that.
Just don’t want to move.

The words make me feel okay.
As bad as it gets, they all stay.
You know…. them.
At least for a while. I see the shit coming at me so
slow I can develop a counter before your words hit
me. A nice trick for a bad boy. A few minutes to
answer the truckloads of “Why” I get. Have always

You should know the gears that are moving. The
smoke coming out of my ears. Burning up the track
in these situations.

Today I just feel like listening.
You’re the minor league, man.
I’m using you for batting practice.
For the big game. When it comes.

And it always comes.
That’s why I am a champion.


My Buddy’s Amphicar

I remember this asshole that had an amphicar. It was a car that looked like a boat and it literally could go from the land to the sea, or the lake or the river.

He acted like hot stuff in the bar and all the girls wanted to go for a ride in his amphicar. I said, “that ain't such big shit”. “Looks like some Walt Disney car”. You girls leave me to go with this ass-face and you are seriously ill.

“Well he has reefer and a pony keg and we are going to party at the lake, and no bitter Honda scooter drivers are allowed.” “ Plus his hair is blonde. With hints of myrrh, sigh.”

They got up to leave and I said, “fuck all ya’ll and your spacely spacerockets pussy car ass. ‘ The boy punched me right in the mouth and as I was drunk I fell flat on my back in the stinking beer splashed floor.

Looking up at the pressboard ceiling of that low rent bar, all I could think about at that moment was “The Boatnicks”. A Walt Disney Technicolor masterpiece.

I felt pretty fuckin’ good after that.


charlie nast

in the mainstream


charlie nast

     I had my first nervous breakdown in 1989, I think. Miami was waxing Notre Dame and then it all erupted. I was crying on the floor, drunk and alone.

     I grew up in Charleston SC and have lived my whole life somewhere or another in this state. I’m comfortable here with my fine art painter wife and 8-year-old boy. We like to make fun of everything and play charades. My passions are music, pro wrestling and anything fried. I’d fry Iced Tea if I could.

     The South is a good place for inspiration. There is much history and beauty. I don’t write about that stuff but it is nice never the less. My inspiration comes from the sadder things. Comes from the weirder things.

     Winter here makes everything gray. I am a happy fellow but many times in my life I wasn’t and this complete knowledge of melancholy fuels me. That’s about it. I am a contradiction. Still get sad. I write whatever the Hell flows out of my mind. No rhyme or reason. But I like it.

     And I play Basketball pretty well.

Charlie Nast, 2002