r.l. stephenson


Carpe Mañana

Carpe ………
Carpe Mañana Cat………
Seize mañana gato …
Seize mañana …
because today
is already a memory.

She dances on the edge
In the shadows of my dreams
and sub conscious
with unconscious energy
from God knows where.
Constantly reminding me
of how life should be lived

Helen once told me,
“don’t wait till some one
tells you your dying
to start living
because by then
it’s too late.”

And she lived by this philosophy every day.
Squeezing the marrow of life
for every moment and not dwelling in the past
Squeezing the marrow of life
For every moment and making it last
Squeezing the marrow of life
For every moment breaking the die that was cast
for her existence
and forging new ones
out of her imagination and soul every day

Carpe ………
Carpe Mañana………

Helen lived
in a constant state of change
Sometimes bordering
on the deranged
And always trippin’
in the pure hysterical

Weather it be
rearranging the furniture
every five days,
or splatter painting walls
in an angry love craze,
or just walking around
in a drug induced daze,
She never ceased to amaze me
with her energy for the obscure

Carpe Mañana……

She once told me to my surprise
that my soul would transition,
in my next life,
and I would be a woman.
She said, “It takes more man
to be a woman
than it does woman
to be a man.”
I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.

Carpe Mañana ……

There’s never been a closet made
strong enough to contain her,
or an evil word shouted
that could ever fold or maim her
Or even a single true heart
able to tame her
passion for life and living

Carpe Mañana……

Helen was a true “Iron in the Fire”
Igniting her soul
as the center of attention
Ready to burn
in all dimensions
taking on the world
with no apprehension
and squeezing the marrow
with every intention
Of leaving this scorched earth
with no regrets

Carpe ………
Carpe Mañana Cat………
Seize mañana gato …
Seize mañana …
because today
is already a memory.


R L 'whoopeecat' Stephenson
     R L "whoopeecat" Stephenson has been livin' with the cactus and horny toads for many years. It certainly has affected his views, not to mention the few dances with peyote doin' the same. Slingin' hash, or grub to most folks, being an accomplished Executive Chef has put the groceries in the fridge and a roof over his head. He is editor/publisher of Whoopeecat Press. His work appears on various websites. Accomplishments - chapbook: "Nola in the Streets" and "Howlin' Cat Blues" - 15 poem CD.
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